Saturday, December 9, 2017

Franchising - How It Works

Through a Pizza World franchise, an investor receives the opportunity to operate a business with high-quality products and engaging branding materials. Each Pizza World franchise receives these benefits at an affordable cost, which can make business leadership more accessible.

A franchise functions as an agreement in which the owner of a business concept grants another person license to use that concept. The license recipient, known formally as the franchisee, receives not only permission to operate a business, but also the material and non-material guidance necessary to do so.

Many franchisees find that this system removes some of the uncertainty involved in entrepreneurship, as the franchising company has already developed a proven methodology of operations. Because training in those methods make up part of the franchising agreement, the franchisee receives specific guidance in all business processes, including marketing, employee training, and customer service.

Franchisees also may receive material benefits, including branded materials and bulk pricing on supply orders. In many cases, the franchise also helps the franchisee to find and secure a location, so that the franchisee has the leverage of a recognizable brand in finding a lease. 

In exchange for these services and supports, the franchisee most often pays a percentage of his or her profits to the franchisor. There is typically also an up-front cost as well as the requirement to sign a franchise agreement, which delineates any requirements that the franchisee must abide by to run the business. These may range from store design and employee uniforms to product pricing and accounting.